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Jake’s Best and Worst Movies of 2018

The Best (In No Particular Order): A Star Is Born: A musician (Bradley Cooper)  helps a young singer (Lady Gaga) find fame, even as age and alcoholism send his own career into a downward spiral. This movie was nowhere on my radar until some friends saw it in theater and recommended it. Bradley Cooper’s acting was mesmerizing and hey, Lady Gaga was pretty good too. I was expecting her acting to be mediocre and the singing to be great but she knocked both out of the park. No spoilers here, but the story is incredible. Get ready to cry a … Continue reading Jake’s Best and Worst Movies of 2018

Triple Frontier Review

Apparently there was a ton of talk about this movie being made before it was finally released on Netflix recently. I guess there were a lot of different big names attached in the starring roles, but we ended up with Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, and Pedro Pascal. Not bad right? The cast was the best thing about this movie, and I’m saying that in a bad way. There was so much potential! The opening scene with Oscar Isaac was so cool, but it just kind of goes downhill from there as the guys join up for one last job that … Continue reading Triple Frontier Review

Bumblebee Review

Am I crazy for hating this movie? I heard so many good things about it. It has a 93% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes for crying out loud! People say it’s the best Transformers movie ever or at least the best one since the first one. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone in with that expectation because I thought it was pretty lousy. My biggest problem with this movie is that it felt like it was created by an algorithm instead of a real person. It takes everything that successful movies have used in the last few years and throws them … Continue reading Bumblebee Review

Captain Marvel Review

If you’re like me and you’ve seen all of the Marvel movies, you should definitely go see Captain Marvel. It wasn’t a groundbreaking movie really, but it’s fun and a little more original than the standard Marvel origin film. Samuel L. Jackson was made to look younger with CGI and he’s a big part of the whole movie. That was really refreshing compared to his 10 second cameos just at the end of the other movies. I think seeing young Sam Jackson was worth the price of the ticket honestly. If you thought that movies focused on 80’s soundtracks were … Continue reading Captain Marvel Review

Disney Remakes Vs. The Originals

These remakes of classic Disney films have either had me pulling my hair out or really having a good time reliving childhood memories. I’m going to list out all of the live remakes of the classic movies just to see how many there are. The Jungle Book (1994) – The Jungle Book (1967) 101 Dalmatians (1996) – One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961) Alice in Wonderland (2010) – Alice in Wonderland (1951) Malificent (2014) – Sleeping Beauty (1959) Cinderella (2015) – Cinderella (1950) The Jungle Book (2016) – The Jungle Book (1967) Beauty and the Beast (2017) – Beauty and … Continue reading Disney Remakes Vs. The Originals

Disney+ Streaming Service To Include Everything Disney?

The age of cable TV is being brought to a close by the rise of new streaming service giants Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. The most anticipated new service to arrive is Disney+, which launches sometime in late 2019. Will Disney’s new service be the Thanos snap that spells the end for traditional cable TV? Based on their catalog alone, I think so. Executives at Disney have announced that very soon after the launch of Disney+, every film in their vault will be included. This includes Star Wars, Marvel, Pixar, and National Geographic. Here is the exact quote from Disney … Continue reading Disney+ Streaming Service To Include Everything Disney?

James Gunn is Rehired to Direct Guardians of the Galaxy 3

If you don’t know anything about James Gunn, let me give you a little recap. He is the writer and director of both Guardians of the Galaxy movies. They were both very successful and I liked them a lot because they feel a lot more original than your average Marvel movie. Then in 2018, after already writing a script for the third Guardians movie, some people on Twitter started sharing tweets that Gunn had made in 2008 and 2012. I’ve read the tweets, you can look them up if you want. He made some bad jokes about rape and pedophiles … Continue reading James Gunn is Rehired to Direct Guardians of the Galaxy 3